Offers of AMIV at ETH


Here we present various opportunities for you to make your company and your industry known among students.

The Academic Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Association (AMIV) at ETH is a professional association representing students of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Mechanical Engineering, as well as Process Engineering, Micro and Nano Systems, Robotics, Systems and Control, Nuclear Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Integrated Building Systems, Neural Systems and Computation, and Energy Science and Technology. With about 4400 members, it is by far the largest and most active professional society at ETH.

More details about our offerings can be found in our sponsorship brochure:

Sponsoring Booklet (in German)

Be an exclusive partner at one of our various events. There you can give a short presentation, set up a booth, distribute goodies or simply mingle with the participants.


Enough of the lecture hall! Half- or full-day excursions offer students a valuable insight into your company. We organize the registration as well as the arrival and departure.

Industry Talks

Present the world of your company to our students in a presentation over lunch or in the evening, and exchange ideas with them at the aperitif afterwards. Organized by us.

Kontakt Job Fair

Our annual company fair for students of the departments MAVT, ITET and MTEC of ETH Zurich. Over 50 companies participate in Kontakt every October.

Jobs Forum

Advertise new job openings for prospective engineers on our website. Job ads are managed by us and are online for 90 days.

AMIV Magazine blitz

"blitz" is published six times per semester with a circulation of 1100 copies. With one advertisement you can reach up to 2000 readers.